Customer Care
Booking T&C
•When booking clinic, Training or services you automatically agree to all terms and conditions stated
•Once a Clinic is booked you will be sent a confirmation email/text please fill in all card details and confirm appointment, payment will be taken in full at time of appointment you will receive one reminder to confirm after this your appointment will be automatically cancelled.
•Cancellation - 50% on clinics are non-refundable without vet certificate, If we are able to fill your slot as a good will gesture you will be contacted and refunded
Training our policy 50% fee to cancel within 24 hours, 100% no show fee, Clients will be asked to confirm their appointments with card and accept our policy
•Full payment is required if cancelled within 24hrs of clinic unless we are able to fill slot then you will be issued a refund
•You are not under any circumstances to sell your slot
•We advise you arrive at least 30min before appointment to ensure you are ready on time if you are late for your appointment you will still finish at the same time to ensure others clinic times do not run late, this will be charged at full rate no negotiation
Livery and Equine Training on booking you will be required to pay one week upfront non refundable deposit due to people cancelling last minute, this will be deducted of your livery/training fees when horse arrives, this can be refunded if vet certificate provided.
Arena Hire T&C
1. Our outdoor arena is available to hire for a minimum hire time of one-hour.
2. The arena can accommodate a maximum of 3no. horses at any one time
4. Hirers are asked to arrive in good time, and to keep to their allotted time slot. If the hirer wishes to set up dressage boards, course of jumps etc then this must be done within the allotted time unless agreed otherwise.
5. The hirer shall not use the facilities for any purpose other than the stated “purpose of hire” shown on this form and shall not sub-hire or use the facilities or allow the same to be used for any unlawful purpose or do anything which may endanger the same or any insurance policies in respect thereof.
6. Use of the arena is entirely at the hirer’s own risk. The hirer MUST hold current insurance to a minimum of Third Party Liability. If an Instructor or Trainer is using the facility in the course of business, they must hold the relevant professional insurance cover. A copy of this insurance may be requested and retained
7. Correct footwear and clothing to be worn at all times. All riders must wear protective headgear conforming to BSI standards at all times when mounted, including warming up. Back protectors are recommended.
8. For biosecurity measures, at no time must you enter the stable yard, stables or other restricted areas. Please do not make contact with any of the other horses whilst at the premises.
9. The hirer must ensure that all animals engaged in the event or permitted to attend are in good health and are up to date with vaccinations (for example: flu & tetanus).
10. The hirer will leave the facilities in a clean and tidy state, ensuring all equipment is put away correctly (jumps etc), all droppings removed and all lights switched off at the end of hire or additional charges will apply
11. The hirer must read all fire, health and safety notices exhibited and bring their contents to the attention of all attending. Smoking is NOT permitted anywhere on site.
12. Please park your vehicles considerately and be aware of access and other users of the yard and its facilities. Please clear up any droppings, hay or bedding from the car park or lorry park, as well as any litter, and take these away with you
13. If there are any breakages, damage or concerns about the facilities during your period of hire, we must be notified immediately. Any damage or breakages caused to the property or equipment shall be charged to the hirer at the new replacement value plus any carriage costs.
14. T.T Sports Horses, will not be liable for any damage caused whatsoever to vehicles, animals, trailers, lorries, individuals, etc., whilst the hirer is using their facilities.
15. Dogs are not permitted on the premises
16. The hirer is responsible for ensuring that each rider has completed a disclaimer and delivered the same to the proprietor before riding.
17. The proprietor reserves the right to cancel any reservation without notice. The proprietor reserves the right to refuse any admission. The proprietor cannot be held responsible for any consequential loss or liability howsoever caused.
18. The proprietor reserves the right to request that riders/trainers/owners or any other person using the facilities do leave in circumstances where in the opinion of the proprietor and/or its management, a person is creating a dangerous situation, riding in a dangerous manner and/or where a person is mistreating a horse or acting irresponsibly. Where a person is asked to leave they must immediately return to their mode of transport and remove the horse and themselves from the premises.
19. All hirers, and any person accompanying them, must act in accordance with the current UK Government guidance regarding their use of the facilities, including (but not limited to) regular sanitisation, ensuring that no one within their group has any COVID-19 symptoms, and maintaining social distancing at all times while at the premises.
20. Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence, T.T Sports Horses nor its owners or employees does not accept any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to hirers, riders, horses, owners, spectators, property, vehicles and their contents and accessories or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever during their attendance at the premises in connection with the usage of any of the equestrian facilities. Riding, working with horses and handling horses can be dangerous and horses may be unpredictable. Persons using the facilities do so at their own risk and the proprietor will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss.
T.T Sports Horses reserve the right to cancel any future bookings if any of the above conditions are not adhered to.
DECLARATION: I the undersigned, hereby agree and accept the terms and conditions laid out above and confirm that I have in place the public liability insurance required.
Horse Sales T&C
Horses are sold with a 28 day exchange warranty. This is a written agreement that must be signed by the new owner of the horse before its departure if not warranty is void.
Below is an example of the agreement,,
Sales agreement
In consideration of the sum of £XXXX the Seller agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to purchase XXXX.
Payment needs to be paid in cleared funds to the following account :-
T.T Sports Horses LTD
Sort code: xxx
ACC number: xxx
IBAN: xxx
BIC: xxx
Bank address: xxx
Upon the Seller’s receipt of the Purchase Price (as cleared funds):-
The ownership of the Horse shall pass from the Seller to the Purchaser.
The Seller strongly recommends that the Purchaser adequately insures the Horse (preferably covering third party liability, death, theft, veterinary fees and loss of use) prior to or immediately upon payment.
Responsibility for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever caused by the Horse shall pass to the Purchaser.
The Seller will release possession of the Horse to the Buyer or his/her employee/agent together with all original documents.
The Purchaser (or another person designated by the Purchaser) in coordination with the Seller will arrange for the transportation of the Horse from the Seller’s premises, (at the Seller’s and the Purchaser’s convenience) at the Purchaser’s expense.
Where the Horse is not collected immediately upon ownership of the Horse passing from the Seller to the Purchaser, the Purchaser agrees to indemnify the Seller against all costs incurred in caring for the Horse (veterinary costs etc.) until the horse is collected by the Purchaser or his employee/agent. Any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused by the Horse whilst the Horse is at the Seller’s premises awaiting collection by the Purchaser shall be the Purchaser’s responsibility.
The Purchaser acknowledges that :- The Seller makes no representation as to the past, current or future health, fitness, performance, ability or material defects which the Purchaser acknowledges have been disclosed by the Seller (e.g. splints/unsafe in traffic/weaves/cribs)
The Purchaser has inspected the Horse and is satisfied with its health, fitness and ability.
The Purchaser acknowledges that the Horse is open to veterinary inspection, which the Purchaser may instruct a vet to perform at his discretion. In accepting or declining the opportunity to have the Horse inspected by a vet, the Purchaser waives all rights to bring a claim against the Seller in respect of any matter revealed or which should have been revealed by the vet during that inspection.
The Horse is purchased for the purposes of (delete as applicable) showing / dressage / show jumping / eventing /breeding / hacking/ riding club/ general riding / companion / other.
The Purchaser is satisfied that the Horse is suitable for its intended purpose.
The Purchaser accepts that horses are unpredictable by nature and that horse riding is a high risk sport. The Seller is unable to predict how any horse will mature or develop in new ownership however the Seller will provide full details of the Horse’s routine and current exercise/feed/tack requirements in order that the Horse has the best opportunity of settling into his new home.
Horses are sold with a 28 day exchange warranty. The start date of the warranty is the date the funds are transferred or the date of the receipt of cheque(s)/cash or the date the horse is collected, whichever is the sooner.
If the horse is sold on behalf an owner by T.T Sports Horses and its representatives we only represent the owner as a rider through sale therefore all disputes after sale are between owner and purchaser and T.T Sports Horses holds no funds from sale to return to purchaser and they accepts this upon sale.
If the purchaser wishes to return the horse within the 28 day warranty period:-
(a) T.T Sports Horses Horses agrees to exchange the Horse for one of equal quality and value, but under no circumstances will a cash refund be given.
(b) If the purchaser wishes to buy a horse of greater value for themselves they can use the original Horse as part payment.
(c) If the purchaser does not like anything in stock, TT Sports Horses will endeavor to get a replacement as soon as possible. This will involve a trip abroad and may take up to a minimum of 2 weeks.
(d) The purchaser agrees to be patient during this time. Whilst every effort will be made to satisfy the purchaser’s requirements quickly, it is not always possible to find the perfect match in each case.
If the purchaser wishes T.T Sports Horses Horses to take the horse back to sell on their behalf, the following charges will apply –
livery charged at the current rate.
10% of the sale price
If separate sales advertising is required, the costs will be charged to the Purchaser.
If the farrier or the vet or any other specialist is required the costs will be charged to the purchaser.
The following conditions apply to the exchange warranty:
The Horse must be returned in the same condition as it was in when it left the premises.
The Horse must not be injured or blemished in any way.
It must not be freezemarked or have ID brands on its feet or a replacement microchip inserted.
T.T Sports Horses reserve the right to have a veterinary surgeon inspect the Horse on its return.
In the event of dispute, the matter shall be referred to an independent Equestrian Expert to be agreed by the Purchaser and Seller.
A contract will be signed between Owner and T.T Sports Horses